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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Inspire Your Burning Desire

Ask a child what they want to be when they grow up, and you'll hear great and glorious dreams. In fact, look around at Halloween and see the imagination of a child, as they are superheroes or princesses, or even rock stars. Watch a child playing dress up or can do so. I think back to my own childhood, when my comrades and I spent hours designing our dream house and describes it in glorious detail to each other.

What about all these big dreams? Life threwhis dark cloak of settling "and realistic" about our dreams and they suffocated. I invite you to lift the lid and peak underneath. Sometimes there is a glimmer of light in this dream.

If you learned as I was that I had to be responsible and practical. I had the school, study hard, do a good job and work hard until retirement. Yawn! The thinking does not drown the spark stoke the flame. To dispel that myth right now.

First, take the day to workfor a company in his youth and his departure from the same company with a big fat pension after 20 years is not available. Less than half of one percent of the population start and retired from exactly the same company. Those who do not work probably for a family business.

Also the idea of retiring after 20 years with a big fat pension is also a pipedream. In the 1950s, there were actually companies that provided a pension for their employees. Now the employees haveless than the contribution of business. In many cases, airlines pay, the pension funds are disappearing. In other cases, the Company completed the early retirement scheme, and disappeared with them. Even if the early retirement do not yet exist, it was probably about 40% of what is not enough to live on, if it is 100%.

I am a part of the Baby Boomer generation. So many of us are now reaching retirement age and from the fact that the body and mind to be ready, but the bank account and shakes his head emphaticallyNO. In any case, there is enough in retirement. In fact, many of the bank accounts, laughing hysterically: "You want to do what? Go pension? Not a chance."

This can be a good thing. "How do you ask?" Remember, these dreams to start your own business or a career from your hobby or invent entirely new to him.

It's true, I've reinvented myself so many times and lost most of the experience. Each time I learned new skills, new and inspiring people taken to reach new goals.You dust your dreams. Ignite your burning desire. Inspire your burning desire.

The burning desire is still in you. It really is not too late. If your mind is active, your heart beats and you have a burning desire in your soul, you can achieve your dreams.

They have the experience to use it. Stop living on the edge. Get into the game of life. Reinvent yourself and ignite your burning desire. Be your own inspiration. If you need someone to believe in you untilYou think apply to you, I do. Inspire your burning desire, the life you want and deserve to live. You have heard that "today is the first day of the rest of your life." Put a smile on your face to know, and it can and will be true for you. I take a stand for you and your future.

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