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Saturday, October 31, 2009

How to Sensibly Succeed As an Entrepreneur Without Changing Who You Are

Many entrepreneurs obsess over small things, could require the effort because it makes it too hard, or do it perfectly. And they rationalize and convince themselves that it is not primarily a work, especially if I cost this consultant $ 500 to give me something I do not know that already, but do. Even if it could generate tens of thousands more dollars.

Successful entrepreneurs learn to face their fear and channel into action, even if not perfect,because they said as General Patton: "A good plan, violently executed now is better than a perfect plan next week." And Adminiral Gorshkov, father of the modern Russian navy, "Better is the enemy of good enough."

When we think, we imagine the fear little annoyances were younger than us. As the fear of spiders or heights or dark spots. In a tall building at the beginning of the observation deck and the view from the top of the small cars, and spots of the human bottom. That is frightening.

Because weimagine what it would be if we are down, attracted by the enormous force of gravity on the concrete slab we call Earth. Plop. Dead.

The easy to tell this story because it never happened, at least not for me. But we have all seen scenes in films where the villain is, instead of dangling from the window, with his two feet to spare, screaming for his life, knowing where the other person let's go, he'll be toast, or at most a pancake.

Revealing our true selves is amuch more difficult. Our egos are so fragile. We rely on unduly self-esteem check out what other people think about us. Or worse, what we assume they think of us as if we were professional mind reader.

The bottom line is that a successful entrepreneur, you must cultivate a sense of balance in your life. Choose to love you work, delegate the rest. Find time each day to sit quietly with yourself and enjoy the tranquility of not having to order something other than themselves, and thinkingcould this be so difficult for you to face. Decisively by the trust your own intuition, but also advised by professionals try that can be called to account.

Above all, keep the idea that you to be perfect.

Richard Dennis, a super successful futures trader once said: It is amazing how rich you can without getting perfectly. "I've often looked at the dilemma of producing perfect work, work that the expectations of the customer and the cruel metalternative, less than perfect job. It can be counterproductive if you're constantly expecting perfection.

Noted in a blog entry to resist Internet Marketing System Seminar founder, Ken McCarthy, a muse to perfection "of a perfectionist and will reject what is - simply because they never measured up to think of his goal, what should be .

Mind reading is one of my favorite ways to put me in a foul mood. I make assumptions of what other people think about me. Once I wasat a party where most of the people there were not my best friends, only acquaintances. I would stand in the corner and watch two people talking to each other. I have no idea what they talked, they talked about me but I would assume all people!

It is arrogant to believe, I think you're the center of the universe, which is the life of the party and talk about complete strangers, and everything you can think yourself. It is selfishness.

It is stated in the book, The FourAgreements, "all the sadness is rooted in assumptions." This is why we are so afraid to reveal ourselves. If you do not feel good about themselves, why would you share it with others? Most of us, or some of us live a double life. I'm not saying that well, but a reality for some. We have a public mask of self-confidence and complacency. In our souls we are struggling with self-esteem issues. To be like revealing the hidden private side, we work so hard to keepversity that makes us afraid.

The fear of revelation, or our hidden self. If it does not speak publicly about why the number 1 fear?

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Friday, October 30, 2009

Recession Proof House Cleaning Jobs

If there is anything that has the current economic recession, taught us, it is on independence and multiple sources of income in which we can draw. Too many employees have been caught off guard when she let go after years of service without warning. While some people can get the financial pieces of find new jobs, others were not so lucky. For those people who would, I suggest that all is not lost. If you are willing to work hard, you can create your ownHis company, and be your own boss, take control of your financial independence.

Starting a business during a recession is a scary business. You do not know if the market) (People for what you offer to pay. This is why you be careful when searching for a recession proof niche. A recession proof niche is something that I would be something that people can live, or are not willing to do for themselves view. Of course, you want to be able to repeatCustomers and have the ability to easily expand the business. For that, I would say that the house cleaning industry is the perfect way of doing business get in too. The start-up costs would not be great as it is only the cleaning tools. To apply, you'd have to say a few friends, post on the freedom of local job boards, and if you are more technically oriented post on the website.

You can do a good life, house cleaning is how the people are too lazy and disinterested in the cleaning of their homeshas it all - the good news for you. Which I do always say that spending money is what others do not. Cleaning of housing that is either not glamorous great again because there is less competition for the cleaning of homes, jobs. Cleaning for other people generates regular customers, because houses dirty all the time. The other great thing about this kind of work is that it is referral based. If you establish a reputation for himself as a hardworking and honest person, you have a solidBase of customers.

The house cleaning company is really a recession Proofjob. No longer do you have about the safety of the workplace are afraid in the driver's decisions about your financial well-being.

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

One Pointed Desire

My children are in their teens. Both have the desire to fulfill their dreams. My son wants a pilot, and my daughter wants a cook. They are plans for the school to achieve these dreams. Each step in this direction will overcome challenges and discipline to their dreams come true.

When my son was younger, he wanted to be a fireman. He went to the local fire department and has a big red truck. Then he wanted a small toy truck of his own. If hecontinue to want this dream, if his inner vision of the world a tangible form of reality over time. In the following section, I would like to share with you how a single request, creating a pointed material reality. I will describe it as a miracle.

A miracle is energy in formation. All you hold your attention to the passage of time is the energy in formation flight. We are what we hold dear to us and fill our hearts with the experience of what we want changed. We intend to dwell on what we hold sacred;our soul. Thus, the miracle of transformation that comes from this quality of life creates a manifestation of the formless in form.

This miracle is a single focus on what you call pleasure in life. It links together your heart and mind. This standardization creates movement in the body, make your wishes come true. Your soul holds together all of this by the kind of character needed to fill your body with inspiration and energy. This connection between your mind,Body and soul form patterns in accordance with the collection of your last request. Through daily actions and the collection of others with similar needs, you will make your dreams come true.

When I ran marathons in my early to late twenties, I had the daily operations of the practice. I did not just go and run 26.2 miles without mental discipline my mind and body to train for these events. Every day I want on my T-shirt, shorts and shoes, and outside in the rain or runSun. Nothing would realize from my goal to complete a marathon to stop.

I remember at the end of the Chicago Marathon, which many years ago. The last three miles of this marathon were with people cheering us all on full. I remember crying and felt my body was filled with energy about me. My body was exhausted. It was the energy of the crowd that inspired me to go further and finish what I started, a few months ago I ran into the path through the forest and theStreets near my home. My tears and cold chills through my body was my soul, reminding me that I began the journey I had done, and my soul was proud of Sam.

Many men and women with strong male tendency to believe that the physical inspection of an environment means the rule over them. And so we will know peace. This does not serve humanity well. As we mature, we will be more soul than body. It is our internal control over our own world in us, "en bloc" to heal theWorld around us. Maintain our inner strengths and to build a world around us that the inner qualities of being reflected in us is an experience of harmony that can not be shaken manifest.

"The Law of Attraction" is a phrase you hear much about those days. It is not a new idea. You have to hear it in these sentences as well: "You become what you think." "You will reap what you sow." "What goes around comes around." and "For every action has an equal andopposite reaction. "The ideas are in these rates for you and me realize that where we will draw our attention to the wishes us to make ourselves known location. We have a choice to in those moments of contemplation make. We can stay and explore these experiences or go to the next thought.

You and I are like magnets. We distinguish ourselves what we usually place our attention. At the moment, we realize that part of us is able to create a request is rejectedmonumental. It is here we are the creators of their own destiny. This is not to say that we are the Creator. It is to say who we are, to be known by us as we explore the nature of our soul in its depths.

As we get older, the conditions for us in a position to us on our way to protect us from harm directly. Even if we remain outside harms way to manage, we are moving into a state of stimulus-response reactions to life. It draws us further and further away from the natural state ofpure being, we came into the world as a child.

If you and I follow the desires of our authentic self, we are a way to work our game and our game is our work. This was a wish is our way to the infinite wealth and happiness. Everything starts with a simple question and four simple words to express to your Creator and your most authentic self: How can I serve?

Sam Oliver, author of "The Road to Healing"

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

You and the Economy - Taking Advantage of Opportunities

How are you doing? Did you feel stressed or overwhelmed? Maybe marginally, but not sure that the edge of what?

It is hard to avoid hearing and reading the end of the world She did not press get you on time. According to the International Council of Shopping Centers 73,000 stores will close their doors within the next six months. There are predictions that the U.S. government is at the end of the debt in the trillions! People begin to ask, what is more than trillion?

HoweverThey recognize that times like these that start-ups are often and is extremely successful?

In the book, by Paul Pearsall's "The Last Self-Help Book You'll Ever Need," he describes the concept of "Happiness Set-Point". I think that today's economy helps us all understand risk our set point, and our tolerance. So, how you can fulfill your tolerance with your Happiness Set-Point "risk? They do this by determining how optimistic (or pessimistic) they are and how much youwilling to participate in establishing or growing your business risk!

Psychoanalysts Kerry Sulkowicz, MD, urges tolerance for risk, "resilience". Those who are less prone to see in a better position, their fear, control and the opportunity where others only doom and gloom. For some people, helps build early loss or failure of increased resilience, so their tolerance for risk is higher. Other people have never dared anything in their lives, so they are frozen into inaction! But forEntrepreneurs who wonder what to do next, action is crucial for success.

What should you do? Here are some important tips:

1. Spend time focusing on your business and where exactly you can see, it is, look at the big picture for 10 to 20 years.

2. An inventory of your strengths and weaknesses, focusing on your strengths. How can this coast for more? The chances are you have a loyal fan base in the past and current clients / customers. How canAdvantage that after? It could be through the new programs to add / supplement your current programs or services. What can you do about your weaknesses? Are there things that you let go?

3. Concentrate on the stuff you want to accomplish this year. As mentioned earlier, this is a good time to grow, but still may mean taking stock of the situation is exactly what you are at the moment. How strong is your financial health? How you can grow without additional capital to the venture? Are people mean what youOffer? Are they for anything other than similar? May be the answer to any of these questions when the creativity comes into play. You did not start this business because you are "average" does not begin, therefore, now this way!

What is with you have not started your business yet? You are afraid even to think about working on the plans for your business right now, while you have a job? Do you realize that if you planned to start a business, and still have your 'dayJob "that you are really the best of both worlds?" Today is an ideal time is to create brand awareness. You're not "hungry" for customers / clients, so you can enjoy the luxury of networking and spreading the word of who you are, who your ideal customers are and what differentiates you, without a "push" your services. By the time the economy improves, you will get the "pull" customer experience to you. They will know and trust you, because You were out there, parts andDeveloping relationships with which they feel comfortable.

Some stress is beneficial. For the entrepreneur, it requires the creativity of them and encourages them to be pulled all the stops. He urges them to risks for the glory of success. If the economy is depressing for many it is a sea of opportunities for the entrepreneur. What do you do with that, do stress?

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Ten Insights to Playing a Bigger Game (Part 1)

I spoke with a friend of mine who had invested in a very high-end coaching program last year. When I asked him about his experiences and reward, which invest it in its development, he said, 'I do if I really wanted to raise my game to a new level knew it, I had to do things quite differently. Even if the coaching was good, it was around me with 8 other people who were difficult to ME, the game play full-out was that the payout. "This is a man who consistently produces ahigh number of six to seven per year income.

It made me think about how I played my game in 2006. I already have surround myself with people who are playing a bigger game each year. I have a mastermind group that challenges me to think more and more. But what exactly did I do that has helped me double my income will receive this year asked to speak at several conferences and to produce three new programs?

Here are my "Ten Insights are at a greater game '

1. Ruthlessly with yourTime.

Whenever I are coaching a client or an interview, people ask me my secret to a great deal on it. It is ruthless time management. I just say, yes, the things that align with my goals, values and high payout activities. It may sound harsh, but it is what works. Two possibilities I said no, let go that hard, but relieved my burden: the implementation of the Network Group in Los Angeles and turned all expenses paid trip to Australia. Both revenue - but notaligned with my "criteria" for success.

2. Concentrate on the stuff you want to do.

I have to win everything from a dream trip to Europe to speak opportunities and powerful marketing alliances manifested. It was not always so. Years ago I was pondering what I'm not wanted. I use some tools to around my brain power, what more do I want to keep focused. I have a written business and marketing plan, well-defined objectives, and I have a vision board in my office. Earlier this year I added to thea 5-series metallic gray BMW on the board. It is the same as the one I drove into my garage right before Christmas. If you focus on what you want more (instead of the problems, obstacles and challenges), it is amazing all the good things that show in your life.

3. Surround yourself with people who play a bigger game than you are.

There is a saying: "your income on average of five people that surround you." If you stay in your comfort zone, your income andResults stay there. Invest in mentoring programs and seminars, access to the people you play a bigger game. Even an idea that comes from someone with a different way of thinking can pay off in spades. Every time I hang with people whose game is bigger than mine I leave with a Golden Nugget - and it's paid off in the thousands!

4. Take advantage of the big risks.

An attribute that separates warriors from the reach outrageously successful willingness to great risks. Notonly if all the risks - calculated risks! These are risks that you have to say, "Oh boy, here I go," and take a big gulp! I call it the fear factor. If it's not scary, you're probably not playing is big enough - as well as your income. I have taken my share of the great dangers in this year. Some paid off, some not. But those who are far greater than those who do not.

5. Dump what does not work (fast)

Sometimes things are going to work is not easy. I learned this year, if not fun, is notor make a profit is less than 80% of my time (instead of 20%), then the time to make room for something better. I poured a lot of things that are not good enough this year. My conclusion: the decision quickly. It cost me my sanity, money, resources, time and a lot of missed opportunities to hang on to something that does not work. Trust your instincts and be always a good idea that is not panning appeared. It is like a dead leaf on a house plant - it keeps taking nutrients and energy, butnot produce.

Stay tuned for Part 2 is coming in two weeks! 5 more I'll be sharing my most powerful insights.

© 2007 Melanie Benson Strick, Success Connections.

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Monday, October 26, 2009

Entrepreneur Mastery Through Ancient Secrets of Success - Part 2

Everything we have or not created for our business is basically the result of our thinking. These include our successes and failures. There are no exceptions.

Now that a hard truth to swallow, can be especially with today's global economic forces and challenges. (In reality, these dynamic forces are also the result of collective thinking in the group, but that the topic) for a different discussion.

Our thinking thinking brings us all: the good, the bad and the ugly. Butif that's all there is to it, then you say, "No problem can, I will only concentrate on the good things, right?" Well, that's where you place your attention and how strong you are in depends on your true nature.

Relies on circumstances
For example, some of you can take to make the setting with what you already have. Or you can try ways to get out of a particular situation you are in thinking through the manipulation, trade off or economizing what you already for whatdo you think is necessary. Or you can just accept you the best of a bad situation.

This kind of thinking is the best and most constructive imagination is lacking. Tulshi Sen calls it "worm thinking." It is the thinking in the box, where your situation dictate your thinking.

Einstein tells us that we do not solve a problem on the same level that we created. Solutions require that you step outside your current situation, let your imagination bring you new ideas andApproaches.

Lack of focus
The next type of thinking is endemic today, especially for information marketers. There is so much to learn and absorb that it is impossible to keep pace with the flood of information, and suck anything that comes within you. It is difficult to distinguish the good things from the regurgitated mis-information, especially if you are a new online entrepreneurs.

Their world is chaotic and you quickly lose focus. You get too busy and eager toto see what you want to initially create for your business. You get caught in the minutia and can not see the forest for the trees. Stress presents itself and you have lost the joy of entrepreneurship.

Tulshi Sen called thinking fly ", where they flit from positive to negative and negative to positive and ultimately lead to nothing. They go from one crisis to another and exhausted and depleted.

Entrepreneur Mastery
The third type of thinking completely out of the liftsThe first two schools of thought to complete and puts you on the path to mastery of one's own thoughts. They focus exclusively on your strong vision. They learn to quickly recognize what belongs in your shop or not, and you let go of everything else.

Tulshi Sen calls this a "bee thinking" where the bee is thinking of nothing else but the production of honey. If you build your character think like a bee, you will reach into the nectar of life.

Now the expression "busy as a bee" takes on a wholenew meaning. Successful entrepreneurs in their own large amounts of the nectar of the activity (ie enterprises). Life is bliss. And enjoy their wealth.

Tulshi Sen, a Master of Success Thinking and author of Ancient Secrets of Success for today's world, shows us how we can take control of our thinking. Through the four proclamations of one's own truth, you will learn to think the thoughts that you want to think, and not the thoughts that you do not want to think.

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Startup Law 101 Series - Mistakes Founders Make - Misunderstanding Capitalization

The Issue - What It Means To Own "X% of the companies'

What does it mean that you have x% of a company?

Founder may confuse the subject. Why? There are at least three possible points of reference by the percentage ownership measure. It can be measured with respect to: (1) of the issued and outstanding shares (only the slimmest corporate action) or (2) of the issued and outstanding shares adjusted to reflect the maximum possible dilution through exercise ofStock options and other contingent interests outstanding in the company (using the "fully diluted" action), or (3) the authorized capital as a working model, if a company's Board of Directors believes shareholders will be at a later date (the measure working-class model).

In his own way, each of these measures can be lawfully used by founders in the discussion of percentage ownership in a company. Problems can arise, and not, though, when founders to discuss this issue and takeActions on it, without thinking about what reference point they use. Below I will describe the problems this creates, and note what you are looking to minimize potential problems in this important issue.

As the concept of "authorized shares" Means

When capitalized form a unit, it is. This implies that founders will receive cash or other assets to the company and is in return for a stake in a company. In a company that is owned by shares of establishedCamp. In an LLC, it will be through a membership interest, or perhaps evidence of such membership units of interest shows. Whether you receive shares or some form of property units, you are even a certain percentage of the company as a whole.

In different contexts, this question - "what percentage of the company itself, I can?" - Can be significant. Sometimes an important person is promised, x% of the company in exchange for some specific post. At the time of financing, are the founders declared that they wouldgive up x% of their company to VCs made in exchange for the dollar investment. If they take these matters into consideration, the founder must understand how to use this term to avoid misunderstandings and potential problems.

We can, how it works, explain, with either a company or an LLC. Leave us a public company to illustrate the points.

When a company formed, the charter document (Articles of Incorporation or Certificate) is the number of"authorized shares."

The concept of "authorized shares" is important in corporate law. A corporation is a legal person. As a legal entity, it acts through agents. There are shareholders who own the company. There are directors who sit as a board and do it at the highest level. And there are officers who conduct their day-to-day operations. Shareholders control the company through the control of the Board, which in turn, the most important decisions for theCompanies. Once in place by the shareholders of the Management Board is responsible for all the important decisions that are outside the ordinary course of the day to day operations of the company responsible. One of those decisions is whether the shares issued to different persons and under what conditions to do so.

All clear.

The shareholders board control.

The Board determines what has to issue and to whom and under what conditions.

But the Board must always act in the bestInterest of the company and its shareholders. Those who sit as directors on such a board, to exercise what the law calls a "duty of care 'the highest good faith and diligence to promote the interests of shareholders.

To protect shareholders, as the last owner of the company, which an outside company, what can the card has to do with the exhibition: the card can still vote to approve an inventory of the pool of shares from shareholders about tied " (orinitially by the incorporator) for this purpose. It can not exceed the bound. This rule protects the shareholders of a company from dilution of ownership interest beyond the borders they have admitted.

Let's recap us reflect.

The shareholders board control.

The Board determines what has to issue and to whom and under what conditions.

In the issue of shares, the Board ultimately in what they can by the number of shares that were previously restricted by the authorized editionShareholders for this purpose - that is, the governing board the power to issue shares will ultimately be limited by the number of authorized shares of the Company.

This is important. The concept of "legitimate" stock plays an important role in the common life by the shareholders a final word on the issues of ownership in the company. But (and this is a big but), unless used as a conceptual basis for a working model for the design than the shares authorized conceptnothing to do with what percentage of ownership interest each shareholder at a particular time.

Issued and outstanding shares as a strict corporate action

It is time for our first quiz.

They form a corporation and designated as the incorporator, 10 million as the number of authorized shares to all common shares.

Allow you to designate himself as sole director and as such, to 5 million shares, you spent as the sole shareholder. You pay for theShares and take the company to them working for you.

Thus, 10 million shares and 5 million authorized issued to you. What percentage of the company you own?

That's right, you own 100%.

It is not, "I have 5 million of the 10 million legitimate" and thus 50% of the company. Remember to have authorized shares nothing to do with actual ownership at some point in the history of the company. Only the shares issued are for this purpose.

So, you have 5 million sharesout of a total issued of 5 million and hence 100% of the company.

Let us extend the example. Say you have a co-founder who received 1 million shares at the same time as you got your 5 million.

What percent of the company do you own?

Now there are 6 million shares issued and outstanding. You own 5 million out of that total. Therefore, you own 5/6ths of the company, or approximately 83.3%. Your co-founder, in turn, owns 1 million out of the 6-million total, or 1/6th, or approximately 16.7%.

Even here there is nothing which is calculated with reference to the 10 million shares authorized to society. Technically it is wrong as a matter of corporate law, to say that you own 50% of the company in this example because you are approved for 5 million from its own 10 million shares, and it is equally wrong to say that you have a co-founder 10% owned by 1 million from 10 million were approved. However, people sometimes refer to the shares authorized as a basis forto say how much they themselves or others in a company and, if rightly considered, which has a certain logic. Let us consider how this comes.

A possible ambiguity of the use of a Working Model as a Point of Reference

Now let's extend the example further and assume that you're an important person who will join with you and your co-founders had been received 2% of your company to promise, if he is not this or that.

In technical terms, under company law, what is itYou promised when you make such a declaration? Well, there are 6 million shares issued, 5 a.m. to 1 p.m. to get you to your co-founder. If you have a 2% of 10 million shares authorized, your key person would receive about 200,000 shares. But 200,000 are issued in relation to the 6 million shares (plus 200,000) is a 2% stake, but about 3.2% (200,000 / 6,200,000). In technical terms, which would be 2% stake just over 120,000 shares (120,000 / 6,120,000 equates to approximately2%).

While this is technically accurate results, it is true that most parties, if it were, what would the discussion "2% of the Company" mean in the above example, probably think that the number 200,000. Why? Because they are sure there are a business, or at least one function not as a company for a startup company, is stagnant. It operates according to a working model.

In authorizing 10 million shares, you are probably on the assumption that the 10 million sharesare finally issued. One could even imagine something like this: OK, up to 6 million shares to the founders, 2 million for an equity pool issued to key personnel, and 2 million for future investors. Therefore, working on your model to interpret the proper way to "2% of the company" would be 200,000 shares, even if they were under strict rules of corporate law wrongly based.

In a sense, both views are right. Measure the 2% with reference to existing holdings and otherRelated to the expected share of the company.

Precisely for this reason that the founder put into trouble by promises such as "I give you 2% of the company," at least when they mean no light on what they do. Technically, under company law, this would mean little more than 120,000 shares in our example. But if the recipient says he understood it, when measured in terms of working model of the company, you have a problem and maybe even a claim on yourHands.

Issued and outstanding shares as measured on a fully diluted basis

Let us move another example to explain this further.

They have authorized 10 million shares, 4 million shares to founders, 2 million to investors who hold preferred shares can be converted to a common 1 to 1 ratio, a total of 1 million shares and options issued, none of which have not yet has been exercised. You are one of the founders and you have 1 million shares.

What percentage of theBusinesses do you own?

Well, you clearly have 6 million shares issued and outstanding (4 to founder, and 2) to investors. Does that mean you have 1 million from a total of 6 or 1/6th, or just a shade under 16.7%. The answer is yes and no.

Yes, have searched in the technical business terms. If your company has been acquired at this very moment, and nothing in the acquisition, has exercised the options and none of the options have been or could be after the deadline for the purchase, you exercisedthe proportion would be in exactly 1/6th of the total revenues. If the company for $ 6 million in cash, were acquired less the cost, you would get exactly 1 million U.S. dollars for your shares.

But no, not really. For while the precise about a picture of what may be presented in a certain moment of time are corporate happened, the options are in reality likely to be exercised over time and will be, or at least exercised in whole or in part. In fact, the purpose of issuing options isIncentives for key people. If she would not be exercised that the defeat of the point.

Therefore, you must (and all other options need to figure contingent equity rights, as in eg warrants) into the equation, what percentage of a company you really have to determine. The technical term for the inclusion of all these accounts is to say that you "own x% of a company on a fully diluted basis."

If we measure in our example search using the "fully diluted basis", then you would be 1 million from its owntotal of 7 million shares issued and outstanding, either randomly or in a position in the shares converted in the future. How would you own 1/7th of the company, or just a shade under 14.3%.

Does this mean that you could not actually get a higher percentage of an acquisition should be before all those options and other related interests occur were carried out all? Almost undoubtedly, you would get a higher percentage of participation, in most real situations.

Why?As a rule requiring options vesting and not all holders of options will vest in full. For example, some options are lost only to their owners and would be diluted by future calculations of the "full" capitalization of the company are deducted. Still other options are not connected to acceleration provisions with them and will not be transferred (and thus not exercisable) at the time of a takeover.

While the exact outcome is in transition, arises from the nature of the equityInterests in a dynamic start and not by the measure itself. Diluted measure is in fact the most accurate method for assessing one percent of the companies that you go to a certain point in time.

Let us recapitulate once more about the possible actions for the measurement of ownership of a company. Have in our first example above, we found that two clear points of reference, as a shareholder may be part of the company to create individual responsibility could be understood: its operations could be measuredwith reference to the issued and outstanding shares only, or it can be measured with reference to working model of the company. To this we must now add a third (the measure fully diluted) shares may, with respect to the total number of shares that are measured for options, and other contingent in circulation in a company under the assumption that all these conditional rights in shares been transformed.

As capital is in VC Funding Deals Measured and the potential for confusion byFounder

Now we want to go one step further, as VCs measure market capitalization at the time they see their investments.

VCs will usually take preference shares, but the kind of stock that they receive is not relevant for our example, if we assume that their preferred shares will ultimately be convertible into ordinary shares 1 for 1 (which) we accept.

Authorizes we go back to our example with 10 million shares. You are a founding member of Team Holding 4 million sharesoverall, they have created, you in trivial amounts at the time of incorporation. Now you can negotiate with VCs, a $ 6 million pre-money valuation for your business. They are willing to $ 4 million to invest in a series A round. If the pre-money valuation added, gives the company a value of "post-money of 10 million U.S. dollars. The VCS is $ 1 per share for their shares to pay on the basis of these ratings. You get 4 million shares for the 4 million U.S. dollars.

In this example, the founder of 4 haveMillion shares, the VCs have 4 million shares, the remaining 2 million shares from authorized as a whole are to be set aside for an equity pool of shares to be issued, the main human incentives.

Now it is the near-universal rule among start-ups to this scenario as one in which the founders ", get 40% of the company dealt with," the VCs, "he receives 40% of the company," and the remaining 20 % is reserved for the justice of incentives.

This type of evaluation is more accurate if we assume thatThe percentage calculations are calculated negotiated with respect to the working model between the founders and the VCs for this investment.

And of course there's nothing wrong with such an assessment. It is exactly what the parties had in mind when treating such. In fact, any such transaction is through an elaborate "cap-table", accompanied by the magic of the company's capitalization in intricate detail, factoring everything possible that could contribute to the ultimate dilutionof the shares.

But a lot of confusion out sensitive normally results from this method, and discuss.

Why? For in reality, under the Company's founding team that just given up this business, discussed 50% of the company, not the 40% of the VCs under the working title model.

If the control issues are dealt with, you will have in this case, a classic case of joint control, because each group is an identical interest, as in any situation, 50-50.

If,by some miracle the company to be acquired on the day after the Series A closing in this example, the VCs would receive 50% of net proceeds from the sale, not 40%.

If part of the negotiated terms included giving the VC the right to an outside CEO who would call received a large grant of shares as part of his compensation, which would transfer control immediately and decisively on the VC side. You do not have to shift a full 10%, as could the idea that they hold an implicit 40%Interest. You would have only the slightest change in a little more than 50% and thus keep control.

I did not raise these questions imply disloyalty on the part of VCs. The deals are structured so are legitimate. The parties know what they are doing, and negotiate with them, although only in a way that everyone is trying to achieve his goals. And these goals are not seen as contradictory at its core. All parties see the structure as one with whom they can work together totheir mutual benefit. The investors have the same right to protect their investments, which protect a company founder, their position. In reality, each side works cooperatively with the other while taking official steps taken to protect themselves from potential abuse. That makes sense and is a healthy outcome for all concerned. Issues such as control are often negotiated very detailed and there are often determined agreed terms of who will receive what board seats and the like.

What I mean to say herehowever, that the founder must be the full implications of what they do when they are not such offers, understand. In the example just cited, they are not to give up to 40% of their companies, but 50%. Yes, if it exhausts all of the pieces from the equity pool and ultimately will turn out by 40%, as each player is 50-50 on incremental 40% because the pool will be issued shares and converted into the herd thinned.

As a founding member, not by any means, such as quotations, if they meet your interests andto your company. To understand their impact. If you are still a ruthless VC firm under such an agreement, you are out in the cold, long before the equity is depleted pool and dilute your founding team of theoretical interest to 40%. Once the control is lost, also, any stock that you own lock-up period would likely be subject to forfeiture, when a coup took place and your service relationship with the company voluntarily stopped.

Are the deals but thenUnderstanding of the risks. A good VC firm will add value far beyond the investment. A bad can cause problems far beyond the dollar impact of its investment. If you guess about who owns what one percent of the company, and who can do what as a result of that ownership, you need to know what stocks are and the only part of a working model that does not count on the property under Corporate measured on the day of the VC round closes.


Wereviewed different scenarios of what it means to "own x% of the company." As you have seen, the expression can mean something different for everyone, the people, depending on whether it is measured is the actual shares, since these shares as a "fully diluted" or a working model that assumptions about the shares be spent making in the future. All are legitimate forms of measurement, depending on the situation. To make sure understanding that is used when you evaluate your own interestand interests granted by your company to major customers and investors. If you do not, you can get into trouble.

Of course, do not forget to check a good business attorney on all these issues. The decision is always yours, but you should do it with your eyes open. A good lawyer will help immeasurably over these issues. Do not neglect this resource.

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Entrepreneurship Can Be Your Ticket To Freedom

For more than thirty years I have is an entrepreneur. I enjoy this role to the fullest with all its challenges: the people problems, financial worries, growing and managing the company and many others. I think the rewards are well worth the challenges. It is one of the best ways to prosperity. Because to do so many challenges that entrepreneurs sometimes have difficulty, all that needs to be done, too. That is my view of things that need your attention too sure how toand grow with the challenges you expect.

1. Find out everything about your industry, especially the financials. The years I spent working in my industry gave me valuable experience that was useful when I started my own company. I've learned what I should do and things I should not do.
2. Developing good people skills: Treat everyone with respect, no matter what their position in an organization. Frequently, the administrative assistant will have all the power and canhelp you most.
3. Keep in touch with your customers.
4. Establish and maintain a good banking relationship. Interview at your bank and the bank to be sure is there for you through good and bad times.
5. A perfect credit, personal and business.
6. They operate every day as if your company stands for sale.
7. Develop an investment portfolio outside your company.
8. Live in your means, or better still live below the means.
9. Developing a succession plan.
10. Knowyou know yourself when it's time to let go and move on.
11. Maintain proper balance between work and family to take care of yourself and have fun.

If you are an entrepreneur, you are likely to be treated with the doubters - those who say it can not be done, or you can not. If your company is new, and you have not met you. Be sure that you done your homework and are strong in your convictions. There are many dream killers. Do not let one of theirVictims.

DO NOT LET ANYONE Steal Your Dream.
Follow your heart, DREAM BIG, and act now.

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

How to Outwit Overwhelm As an Entrepreneur

As an entrepreneur, is one of the best ways of the world, but it can also sometimes stressful. What if you have an important client who planned to announce that you have come because of an emergency visit to the dentist. Or you come with the flu shortly before a major conference who have hired you for a date. Or your return from holiday will be delayed and you find that you are one day behind in your work;).

In times like these that zap your energy, make overpowerit will be even more difficult over the hurdle. So, what is a busy entrepreneur to do?

Before you reach the breaking-your-hair-out, ready-to-collapse stage, with despair, you should contact several deep breaths, and then gather together your five senses. The first step to know from point A to point B, which direction to go, so you need to be rational when plotting your course. They are much more effective in performance of work when they are with a sense of calm approach.

Prioritize.First, think about all the things to do it, and a list of them in order of importance. Include everything that can be imagined: What is causing you stress, because she is not ready? What to do necessarily lead to first? If you need to, number the items so that your list reflects the most important task first and the last important task.

Delegate to see. Next, if it objects to the list that have a completely different person - either staff or family can be eliminated, outsideAssistance, such as the use of freelancers. As entrepreneurs, we are usually do everything, even used, but when we desperately overstretched, we must learn to let go, let - to help others to us. It is not always easy to control, but it is sometimes necessary to save the mental health. Make a note next to the task, the name or names of a person or persons who may delegate that perform certain tasks.

"Clear." Then you look at the list with a critical eye and brutally honestwith yourself: Are there things on the list that do not necessarily have to do? Sometimes, so that the permission is not something just the thing you need to pick up again. Unloading onerous tasks that are not mission-critical you can burst of energy that you need to accomplish those tasks that are critical to be. Scratch through all the items on the list that do not necessarily to do.

Re-prioritization look. Now to your list and see what positions are stillthe most important, and what you do yourself. What should be done today or get to the end of the week? What must be done before the end of the month? Make note of the deadlines for each task always ended.

Calendar functions. Now that your list of tasks that need to be done and its due date, the transfer of information from the list on your desk calendar, day timer or computer calendar has. Whichever method you choose, appointments and keep themYou may find your task list should be written down the name of the task on the day you have to do it or the date it is due. Also write down the names of the persons assigned to duties and you will find information to contact them.

Now you are ready to begin working on projects now in your calendar, and you know exactly what move on to a base be carried out. By organizing, you) your thoughts, delegating and delete tasks and commit your schedule on paper (or computer, you canoverwhelming outwitted. All you have to do now, is the work itself! Time to get to it!

We wish you every success in your endeavors.

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Friday, October 23, 2009

If you let go your balloon in air, Where would it go?

Video recordings of my weather balloon project in Holderness School, NH 2006th www.seungjoo.net


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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Why I Went Into Business For Myself

In the last two years, the economy has taken its toll on my business. The customers have tightened their belts. Some very important accounts were lost. Staff had to leave freely. There may be a somewhat depressing picture sometimes. Late at night, sometimes I wonder why I went into business. And then, I'm in the midst of anxiety and suffering, I remembered why I'm in this course.

Working in a large corporate environment as a professional was very rewarding to the financialSide. I must admit, I have exceeded my revenue even in small companies. Nowadays, the realization of a salary to half of what I once seems like a worthy challenge. Despite a good salary my neighborhood was anything but healthy. How many employees today, I had a boss who enjoy disparage other people when they seemed to have made a mistake. The problem was not so much ridicule, but the fact that they are in the public and often largely controlling for questions from my or others.

Then therethe characters so well depicted in the movie Office Space. People who would not have survived in a different environment, seemed to be in positions of authority granted to maneuver or even nebulous title, was able to decipher only a few outsiders. Until today I still wonder what exactly a "long-term love affairs coordinator is doing." But somehow in the midst of downsizing and layoffs at my previous employer, calm, assured me that the last, which will go the "liaison office coordinators."

Workingdiligently and completing the tasks assigned to you is something that everyone understands responsible employees they need to do. Receiving criticism is not to reach for new innovative ways to solve existing problems, which assumes, of course, that current procedures are inadequate, or otherwise, in the grand pedestrian ways to the next level of professional maturity, can be very frustrating for most people. The reality is that few have ever been given specific and, as so much of life, it seemed thatPopularity and connections are often more important that the actual productivity of the individual. The popularity and the political game was something I was sure that I could not win.

The other issue that bothers me during my tenure was the idea, never in a position to satisfy the implicit assumption of late into the night. It did not matter if I had my tasks and my projects done on time. It was assumed that a true professional and would stay late to do otherwise was an unwritten von UnwerthVarieties. Person that is genuinely dedicated to the company that would understand. Those who were not just committed.

At the end I realized that although I could probably make less in the private sector or not my talent and energy could be could only truly be realized in a venture that I am passionate. Now mind you a steady pay check is to be preferred, no doubt, however, may sound to some of us, the thought of a nearly cubic punishment. The entrepreneur has somethingWhich burns in his soul, which is a big company offer only rarely. It's called freedom and destiny.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tips From a New Solopreneur - If I Can Do It, You Can Too!

Although the idea that I was working independently something I want to thought about it for many years, it was more like a fugitive. How could I ever done? How could I live without my regular paycheck coming in? What I have about starting a business? Where do I start? Let's say I done wrong? How much money do you need?

As my regular paycheck increases on my work to keep the more reasons that I had, where I was - in corporate America. I had more money than I ever thought I'd be able to earn, hada great performance package, I was finally able to reach the house of my dreams, take nice vacations, buy for the education of my daughter and beautiful clothes.

I did not know when would be the right time, but that was definitely not the right time to start a business. It was always something more to buy or to save for. I overlooked that I unhappy in this job for many years. Instead of the golden handcuffs, I was a golden noose.

As fate would have it - was the right timedecided for me. I was discharged after a reorganization has taken place yet. Very quickly I realized my salary was not so sure how I thought it was. I do not have much time to lament and angry about the situation (okay, a little), I knew it was a gift. It was now or never discover what I had thought about such a long time. Fast forward three years - I now share some of 20/20 hind sight to be able to what I have learned.

Create a plan. Once I've decided my new life, Design Iimmediately felt more positive about myself. It reminded me of the (many) times I started a new diet. The mere fact that a commitment was an esteem booster. Even if you do not leave your corporate job can be in control of your future is a big step forward.

Invest in yourself. I stopped paying my daughters college "as an investment in their future, and yet I did not begrudge the cost of additional training I needed. Was that not an important investment in my future?

Find aMentor. I have an experienced coach who has helped to shorten my learning curve. Along the way, I have entered other mentors help with fine-tuning other abilities and needs. Yes, it costs me more money, but the right person will be a valuable asset to your growth.

The sending of ships. In her book, Wealthy Spirit, Chellie Campbell speaks about the process to do the best thing you can do, then release expectations. I quickly learned that it is impossible to predict where yourcome to the company. I was disappointed when I did not get all the customers from a workshop I did but soon afterwards I got a client after meeting him in a social picnic I attended.

Expect mistakes. It will take many decisions, large and small. Do the best you can at the moment and understand that some work and others are not - it's all part of the learning process. Sure it has many "do overs" I would do, but how is a parent, there are no rule booksfollow. Do you have the best and move on.

There is no "there." I wanted to get everything perfectly in place to start my own business. Now I realize this is only an issue when you're done, it's something you need to do. I was sure that everything is a work in progress.

Take a tiny step in the direction of your dreams. Often we have with everything we need to do and know - that we freeze in the city overwhelmed. You do not need to know everything from day one. The nextStep is even more apparent when you take the first step.

Start with something with minimal risk, but are just starting out!

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Civil Air Patrol Never Let Go

This video is sent to the three members of the crew died on 20 August 2007 dedicated. They were in the pattern of searching for a missing child, when their aircraft caught fire and crashed. Nobody survived. Semper Vigilans. Song: Never Let Go, by Bryan Adams as part of "The Guardian" soundtrack performed. Composed by Trevor Rabin.


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Monday, October 19, 2009

How to Be Wealthy During a Recession - Lessons From Outliers From the Past

In his great work, Outliers: The Story of Success, Michael Gladwell, in his analysis of Chapter 1 of the 75 richest people in history and 14 of the 75 persons from this list because they are actively involved in the computer revolution (correct age, right country, right opportunities) that 19% thanks to the 75 richest people in the history of their success to a revolution that is taking a span of 9 years: the computer revolution (Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, etc. ..).

A similar revolutionYou will find on the Internet right now, where are the masses and see the money moving. For example: Youtube Viewed ABC (CBS, NBC and FOX combined exceed, advertising has moved from television dollar also reduces from 20% in 2008) to the Internet (increased by 80%). I would venture to say that entrepreneurs are currently involved in internet marketing at this time, a once-in-a-lifetime chance to enjoy success at times, the Web revolution. However, should any of the internet marketer worth her salt, make sure that theThe following elements are present, if they are to be successful:

1. Find an industry that is recession proof, and market it online. As corporate America experienced the devastating effects of the recession are a Network Marketing company is growing at an unprecedented rate, as we turn to alternative income-generating activities. While the growth of these companies is impressive, the success of every marketer largely related to their experience in marketing, but alsoHow well they use the Internet in their marketing strategies. The most successful network marketing are those that offer a large fan base, marketing, training, and build using the latest online marketing strategies.

2. Have found Within this industry, a business whose products / services recession proof. Most network marketing companies tend) to market health products (weight loss products, multi-vitamins, antioxidants, fruit juices, pills, or household products.While these products are useful and helpful, this market is very crowded and people tend to jump from one product to another, thus limiting the growth and profit potential of marketing. The recession proof products are used in the companies that value that are offered on the products or services that may be used and that more than one segment of the market can be applied. My own research has me to believe that information products, financial education, health education,Marketing studies still have significant growth potential and are still serving.

3. Once you have narrowed your business, finding a company that gives you the highest return on your investment: a business that you will go into profits for a handful of sales and not after a few hundred sales. This is usually a business that is a close marketing system, complete, and offers top of the line training and a high value product or a service.

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Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Number 1 Activity to Making Money Online

They absolutely make money online - Take this to the bank, it is hands down true, and there are millions of dollars from online testimony to this fact, and I will repeat it, Can You Make Money Online !!!!! !

But have you noticed, but is that nothing is for free and earn money online, not to you will be presented on a silver platter? Some say they will be successful online you do nothing else to offer as their candidate, but you just have to be smart enough toknow that it did not just happen, just the way you do, though not so much work involved as a job in a typical 9-5.

The big question remains, why did you not, and why not put so many others make money online. Why, it seems that only a certain few do it? As they have unlocked the secret?

I'll let you know that there are no secrets to unlock. These successful people are making money because they like the Internet MARKET know - you know, where theyand promote them to know what to say. You know, they know what works and what does not. You know how often advertise. They have developed a following. And the word is all over the Internet that they have to offer something of value.

Now you know as well as I that there are other activities that will ensure your success, make money online. For example, a well thought out and written business plan will take a long way to your success. And excellent customer service areindispensable. But, and this is a bold but true statement when there is nothing more than How to effectively market your product or service knew, would you still make money online, no matter the product or service.

As you will learn how to effectively market online? Believe me, it is a gift that enabled it, but you can learn if you know where to find someone to let go of her extensive knowledge of online marketing, and teach honestly.

That education comes from various sources,but to learn how to market needs. There are people who can teach for a fee. There are others, which has an online opportunity, the spectacular multi-media training as well as an economic opportunity for you that you will attend with free admission to teaching, are linked. There are those that suggests how and where to market that you have received from their back office. There are others who are experienced and have a team with voice training and are available to set upwhen you call. Often, a team of experts will be linked to your membership advertised in the economy op. Some have an excellent team approach, with the economy and an excellent multimedia training.

With the burning desire to accede to become successful online, my recommendation to take over the route in order to learn effective internet marketing would be, to an online opportunity that the combination of sponsorship and business opportunities offer the following:

1. TheSponsor or Host person is available and is clearly interested in more answers to your questions. They may not be able to answer it, but resources to answer the questions honestly and provide easy

2. The sponsor has or inviting offers access to a team that telephone education, encouragement and support.

3. The company itself has the opportunity to multimedia training is that a full and comprehensive

Are there other ways to learn how to market? There certainly are, and I amnot be assumed that according to my three proposals, the only way. But personally I really do not like the idea of the shooting in the dark and guess what you're doing. After these three steps, the research will not guarantee anything, but it does not guarantee that you will leave your online success to luck.

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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Start-Up Partners - Can You Work With Someone Close to You?

Starting a business with a spouse or good friend can be very beneficial, as long as some basic questions will be worked out before. Know your business well means there should be less time with the hammer down who does what, and each of you are already familiar with the other quirks and habits take. It should be easier to provide mutual moral support, (especially in the dark days of the start and there are some). You will be aware from the respective strengths and weaknesses,in an excellent position to each other, and the business on the right track. On the flip side, a partnership with someone you are close to pressure on the relationship, especially if you are not at work, both personal and practical ground rules for the extension of your personal relationship to a successful partnership.

The practical questions are pretty easy to handle, but very important, especially if you live with your partner. First, both parties must agree onset work and personal schedules, with time to focus on the various aspects of your life made up of blocks. Starting a business is not a hobby, it's a job, and should be treated as such. Do if it is possible to create separate work areas, so to consider. Each has its own style of organization and each partner is likely to be more productive if their own work area. Network computer, if possible, and consider the wireless internet access and printer technology, allowing timeis not lost switching to strings.

Before starting the actual start of work, responsibilities should be divvied up by skill and interest, and methods for dealing with major decisions should be taken collectively to be determined. You and your partner will have disagreements, and "ground rules" for resolving conflicts should be hammered, while you get. Schedule daily check-in meetings, perhaps with a cup of coffee from the Home Office to check each other's progress and bounceIdeas off one another. Away from the desk, even for a short period of time, and a rejuvenation of the greatest joys of working with someone who knows you, is their ability to help, you will see a different side of things.

On the personal side, working with a spouse or close friend requires mutual respect, trust and the ability to communicate in order to keep the relationship on the right track in building a business together. Respect is not always so for the other personright. Rather, it follows recognize respect each other's strengths and weaknesses complement each other and look at your partner, not exploit them. This means do not control any of the weaker areas as weapons or to manipulate, but moving from the existing strengths in order to fill any gaps. Acknowledge areas in which your partner is more qualified and have appreciated the opportunity to use these skills to your balance. Choose not compete internally on business topics, but a team of up toOutside competition in the market. Do not allow any control over problems or struggles for the common goal of building a successful business to overshadow.

Trust is your partner in business and private arenas is a must. Trust issues can destroy a company before it is even above the ground. In sorting out the responsibility of the company, each partner should be completely comfortable with decisions about the complete control of an area from there with a partner. If not, a "checks and balancesSystem should be put into effect, that both partners are satisfied. It is important that neither partner take offense, others must be involved in every aspect, but it is also important that both parties are able to get some control and confidence of partners in order to have their tasks under control. Every entrepreneur must recognize that different work styles can be just as effective, and this understanding is particularly important when the business partners. Practice at the level of confidencehow the work is done is really great training for delegation skills that will meet both partners' business needs grow.

In addition to mutual respect and trust, business partners, who have kept a close personal relationship has excellent communication skills, both to the relations in a good state of repair. The best partnerships, together with a good sense of humor. A good laugh can relieve stress ... and there is plenty of stress to go around with a start. It does not matter whetherTheir humor is silly or obscure, as long as both partners with laughter can ease the burden on. Effective partnerships often humor to help work through disagreements, so good. Conflict will happen, arguments will arise, but the ability to laugh at themselves, each other, and the dilemma you are in solving the inevitable questions will be much easier.

Successful partnerships require also an open communication about problems, expectations and their visions for the future of the company. Thereare many important decisions, as well as hundreds of small decisions that can be done even before a business idea off the ground. Partners in business and in life, must be able to articulate their positions more clearly and be willing to listen, and understand the other side. There are times you just have to agree to disagree ... These are the times in which the clear division of responsibility is critical. Someone needs to be able to make a final verdict, so that even if you have any concerns at aDecision does not fall under your responsibility, it is important to respect and for the final decision of the partner.

However, the largest hash should be joint decisions. "Big" decisions will vary according to your business, but you know when they occur. I hope that a common vision for the future of the company, you and your partner as the agreement on the best course of action should be based on this vision. It is also important that you both haverealistic expectations for your company. Before the planning phase, a heart-to-get heart began about the possible and probable results of your efforts is worth your time. If a partner ideas explode slow, methodical growth over a period of years, while looking the other in the market, the conflicting perspectives lead to problems if not treated previously.

Working through a startup with a close partner is a remarkable experience, and you can really improve yourpersonal relationship. But without creating a solid foundation and principles may be the pressure to develop a business idea too destructive. In fact, all important questions before you go to work and you and your partner will find that two heads in the economy really better than one.

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Friday, October 16, 2009

The Search For The Four Leaf Clover

People are always willing to find and use a talisman. This is because many people of faith in a lucky charm, a will be used more, and the famous good luck charm is the Four Leaf Clover. People have a lot of confidence in a four-clover luck to providing its viewers. Instead of simply supplying people with good luck, you can also sell, expeditions, where you go, people are looking for a Four Leaf Clover. In this way, the person the satisfaction of being the first to have a grip of the handClover luck.

In order to organize such an expedition, it is first important to a field of clover, where you can take potential lovers. Then you need to sell these expeditions, if you do these four areas of clover. The groups of people are looking for their own good luck charms, the four-clover. You may charge a reasonable fee of about $ 20 per person fee for the search for a lucky four-leaf charm. Do not charge more than this, since it will be unlikely that youno customers for their expeditions.

These expeditions four-leaf clovers are selling a great idea and will be implemented in schools, will take care of and similar facilities. This is because children are always willing to search for things, more so for good luck! They will organize themselves, of course, for some form of transport, with these groups to such areas. You have the costs you incurred by them to examine these locations and thus free theirCustomers.

In addition to either invest in a vehicle for the implementation of these groups, or renting a vehicle, you must bear the additional expenditure for this business is the marketing investment. If you are in this business want to be successful, it is necessary that people should be aware your services. Moreover, this is best done through the creation of brochures to be distributed in shops, if Lucky Charms are local, and perhaps in the newspapers.

You must include your contact informationInformation in these brochures, the pick-up point of the expedition, the rates you charge and of course, a general article about the benefits and operation of a lucky charm. Once you have a few people to take an expedition, it proved to be adequate management of word of mouth to spread your business, and bring you more customers.

You could also consider setting up a website, similar information as in the brochures. This is so that the computer savvy to know about yourExpeditions and may have an interest in joining your expedition. Try to have some testimonials from people who have the happiness of four-leaf clovers used by your expeditions, and thus had the experience of happiness with charm. In reading these testimonies potential customers more confidence to the working conditions have to be your lucky charm and happy to consider, a member of one of your many expeditions.

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Change Lessons From Slaughterhouse Five

Some changes have happened because some incidents or accidents. Someone has dismissed due to an unanticipated reorganization. How do you deal with such a change? Track a revenge or are you looking for a new path for your life?

"Revenge is not always a good idea," said the author of Slaughterhouse Five, in an interview last year. And, as change is concerned he is right. Revenge will not continue.

Maybe you can your dismissal can be prevented. Perhaps you could do a bit of competitionmore you save jobs. But it is also possible that it just happens to you - "She could be the next one, or do you think that this does not happen to you is," replied the Queen, Tony Blair at the end of the film.

So just take for granted that everything happened to you during the day. And as what will you do?

Revenge is nothing, but you have to feel his face. Put your energy to the emotions, leading to a dead end, is a strategy. Revenge is all time. Butan effective strategy to change it, or you could do without?

It just so happens that I was looking for the little "poem" somewhere in the middle of Slaughterhouse Five. In vain. But it must be somewhere on the web. I think that was the idea:

I hope that I can be smart enough things that can be changed and strong enough to let go of what I do anyway ... can affect influence

If you really want something, you have to overcome your emotions and begin to thinkagain.

© 2007 Hans Bool

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Importance of Taking Care of Yourself First

With the holiday season in full swing, we tend to do everything that we know we should not. We are committed through over-eating and of course stress! The I deserve to be happy team would like to remind you that you and your luck again at first.

Let us first ask why we do not take care of ourselves? When I ask people "what do you think of when you say: I have first?" Often I hear the following responses: "It would be selfish," "I only want people like me", "I can do it all", "I can notsay no, "I'm too busy," I just got through this first "and" I need to take care of my children, husband received, parents, friends, etc. first. "

If you do not take care of themselves first, you will not be able to make other people you care about. We would like the analogy of airline you say on your oxygen mask before helping others made. It's easy when you are not placed you on the first pass and then neither one of you will make it.

Again, this makes us feelselfish at first, but you change your vocabulary, your perspective can change to. It is not selfish, it's self-full. You're not hurt by all the other care of yourself. In the long run you really are, they also help. If you ever make to other people's problems, it is very difficult for them to learn, they can take for themselves, to learn from their mistakes and develop their own self-esteem. Taking care of yourself is not only not selfish, but it is the only real possibilityto help others.

How do you take care of themselves?

The first step is changing the perspective. Make yourself your top priority. The work will still be there tomorrow. Your friends and family will still love you tomorrow, if you take some time for yourself today. People who have just started with the concept of being "self-full" may have some difficulties, which have begun to have some real ideas.

Here are 3 ways you begin to have a care

1 - Thsomething for you.

This is something that is just for you. Take a relaxing candlelit bath, a massage or spend some time at a spa.

2 - You buy something for you.

Why is this so important? Our society values money. It has roots deep in our minds because, as we attach importance to us. "I can not spend much money on me!" Why? Are not you worth it? She would spend it if someone else is not it? Thus, value is by buying something that only you and you usebenefit. Try a personal care tool, a new razor, or nail spa robe.

3 - Take your time to meet with and get to know yourself again.

"But what shall I do?" I do not know how not to do. " Trust me, you understand, we do! Please take 5 minutes of rest only worry about anything. It will make a big difference in your mood, your ability to handle difficult situations and how you interact with the people you love.

We hope we helped start, so your first priority.Thank you for your candor and for taking time to read them. Until the next time you take care and remember, you deserve to be happy too.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Count the Cost

As a kid I loved me in the big woods near our house to play. It never seemed to put an end to the exciting adventures we had there. We traveled by bicycle on the dirt roads that ran through the forest. We got up, went out of the fort and hid behind the many rock formations that are scattered in the forest.

One day some men and equipment appeared in the woods. People began, a large hole that we should recognize gradually to dig the cellar of a house. We went to the site each dayafter the men had finished, the progress they had made to see that day. The work dragged on for many days. and the hole bigger and bigger.

One day, the men grabbed their gear and left. We watched and waited until they return. They did not. After about a week, our curiosity has the best of us, and we slowly approached the place where the men had dug to get a closer look at what happened. We played in and around the hole for the next few weeks, until we became bored andin another part of the forest. Although we asked ourselves, what will become of the plans to build the house, we never anyone in this place again.

I have no idea why the house was never built. I have often wondered over the years, why would someone start such a project and that is not completed. Anyway, there has always served as a role model for me that everything I do I get, bar the cost before I begin. These costs may include money, time, energy or otherresources. Sometimes the costs are simple obstacles that we can't overcome no matter what we do. I would love to get my private airplane pilot's license, but I have a visual impairment that would keep me from ever passing that portion of the examination. At other times, the cost may simply require an ability we do not possess. My wife is a Certified Public Accountant. While I have gained a true appreciation for what she does, I just do not have the ability with numbers to even consider pursuing this or a similar field of study.

A cost-effective, we decide is too large, could be something that we are simply not willing to invest time, money and effort in completing to be included. At least twice in my life I seriously considered pursuing a Ph D. In any case, I had the opportunity and enough interest to start the process. In each case, and for various reasons, I decided that if time and energy and money in my life more of what I want to create by investing in themother activities. I'm over simplifying what was in each case, a deliberate process involved, but the principle remains the same. Counting the cost of going to understand what I really want to achieve and then determine what am I willing to do that get me most actually, when I want to be.

It sounds so simple and so obvious. But it is amazing how often we do exactly the opposite. We get caught up in a dynamic presentation of an exciting business opportunity andWe think of all the things that we could with the astonishing sums of money we are told that others do in this fantastic, once in the life business, which we have presented here. What we want to do with the money? We are interested in what we do if we are to pursue this business opportunity? Do we have the commitment and motivation for what we have to learn to learn successfully in this business opportunity? Do we believe what we can do, which is held to be sosuccessful? These are some of the fundamental questions we must ask ourselves if we count the cost of an endeavor or business opportunity that we are considering.

No one can know exactly what happens when we begin a new project. This makes a deliberate, systematic process of constant costs are even more important. What did the people who had bought the land and dug the hole, hoping near my parents' house, with what they began to achieve? If they were to build a family home, a retirementHome, a holiday home? Did they underestimate the difficulty of digging in an area filled with stones, like the woods near my home? If something unexpected happens in their lives that suddenly the money they had earmarked for this project and required them to use it elsewhere? Was there a death in the family? Was there a divorce? Did they just lose interest or motivation that I allowed them to this project that they had begun would end?

What do you expectto achieve, how you look at a business opportunity? What do you know want or need in your life that you do not already? Do you have a hobby or other interest that you believe to translate successfully into a profitable business? Do you have special knowledge or skills that you can see how marketable and profitable? What skills do you have or are willing to acquire, which will give you the possibility of success in this new project?

All of this is to discourageFrom the founding of a company. It's an incredibly satisfying and rewarding experience. If you do not count the cost, there may be a disaster that your time is your energy and your money and you can consume frustrated, discouraged and in debt.

Those who start successful new businesses, the critical self-examination. Knowing what you want to achieve must come before you and examine your skills and your interests. This will logically lead to situations where an understanding of what youknow or are willing to learn. This follows logically and naturally into a realization of what you are ready to contribute to that success you want and invest to achieve the realization of your dreams.

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Monday, October 12, 2009

AIR SUPPLY - I can't let go

Do you want me only one life ... I will stand beside you through the years that come and go ..... Nothing could stand in our way ...


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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Three Healthy Money Mindsets That Will Help You Grow Your Business

Your relationship with money and details of how it determines your success. Period. If you feel ashamed if you have debts, or if you are paralyzed, as that a certain investment, because a relative number, then your money attitudes affect the results. To be successful, it is important that you should be a lifelong study of healthy attitudes and behaviors start where your money concerns. Mindsets are energy, as money is energy. And you can literally put moneyLearning how to learn you have money in a healthy way. Here are three ways of thinking money, you can learn that you can focus on growing your business.

1) Customers Want to See You Invest in Your Business Before they are willing to Invest in You

Have you ever visited a website and subconsciously decided that this site was not worth your time or money? Of course you have! Internet visitors do it every day. However, many entrepreneurs believe that they can convert visitors to memberswithout there best foot forward on its website. You expect visitors to invest in them if they are not willing, a chance to invest in the search for themselves (the website) from. Trust me, I get cash-flow problems. But if you invest only the basic rule of understanding "with your website and your customers will invest in faster," then you are the company, at least 75%, based on the Internet today. And it does not cost as much as you would think at all. The cost shouldcome down over the last five years as an innovative new companies have emerged to serve on-line transactions. There are three key areas that I invest my clients to the highest ROI (Return on Investment) have on their websites. They are:

- Invest in the latest technologies such as Wordpress.org that allows you to integrate several innovative plug-ins and blogging software.

- Invest to invest in professional texts in education or the ability to

- Invest in agood designer that understands how to convert visitors to paid customers or members

2) Spending Money Creates An Energy Flow and Customers Are a Form of Energy

Money loves speed. People love speed. Since money is energy, it likes to flow. Business expenses literally create a flow of money going out and create a space and vacuum for money to flow back in. If you aren't spending any money on your professional development or your business, you are literally turning off the tap to the flow of money into your company. If it does not flow, but do not come to or go out.

Obviously the goal in the economy is to create a positive cash flow and cash is "Queen", as in all the laws of the universe, it is your job to find the right balance between high return on investment expenditure, cash flow back into some allow high ROI Find places to promote the positive customer response energy (or customer conversion) are:

- Marketing and Advertising

- Customer Support

- Development of concretepassive income info product

3) Business debt is a leverage tool

Another area that almost all entrepreneurs struggle with is at one time or another the shame that they have, if emerging debt. Knowledge: A healthy company has debts in many phases of business growth. Guilt is a tool that is a form of healthy growth and use it as you move yourself and your company forward. For the exponential case gearing, you should plug into passive incomeProduction of business models, so that money flows back into the business, even if you are working. Some examples:

- Information Products

- Real Estate

- Membership-based business model as an association

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