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Friday, October 9, 2009

Invest in Your Number One Asset

Entrepreneurs are famous for working long hours, often sacrificing time with family or time to care for themselves. The thrill of always been a dream business off the ground and grows into a profitable company can be addictive. But take in the process, small business owners are often not well with the number of companies is an asset: themselves.

A healthy, rested, energetic, you do more in less time. If you are in top form, you will be better able to take care of yourCustomers and your business. To resolve this year, excellent care of you, your company's most valuable resource. What are you investing in itself a great return.

Ten Easy self-care tips:

1. Undertake to move regularly. Studies show that exercise reduces fatigue and benefit your brain and your body. Go for walks in the park, play a swim Racquetball, laps, or spend a day on the slopes, whatever works best for you.

2. Eat a healthy diet. Enjoybalanced, healthy meals slowly calm in a situation when eaten while driving on the road, standing in the kitchen or sitting leaning on a computer.

3. Get enough rest and sleep. To stay up longer, you gain more hours of work, but you will suffer from reduced productivity and more susceptible to diseases. Stop working to slow down and relax before bed may cause the quality of sleep.

4. Please plan period. Use the mini-holiday long weekends away, day or afternoon off onlyrelax and have fun. Write them down now on the calendar. Carve out a "me" time to just be, think, journal, play or just dreaming. Include time for spiritual activities.

5. Take the time to promote the special relationships in your life. Go out on a date, a cup of coffee with a friend, please write a note to tell someone he or she is, how much you need to call a friend you do not talk in a while.

6. Stay positive. Create an inventory of your thoughts and feelings. How's your self-talk?Is that what you're talking about the nature and uplifting?

7. Acknowledge and celebrate your successes and the good things in your life. Think about it and make a list of everything you are thankful for.

8. Do not let any negative feelings and unforgiveness. Remember to cover up problems into opportunities.

9. Check your vision often. Spend some time in finding where you want to be. Put a picture of what it will look like. Review and perhaps change your vision to life.

10. CarsTrainer or join an advisory board to the support, encouragement, need honest feedback and new perspectives we all do.

In addition, finding ways to inject joy and laughter in everyday life.

Choose to invest wisely in your number, an asset this year to provide good care of yourself, and you will be rewarded with an excellent return on investment.

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