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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Count the Cost

As a kid I loved me in the big woods near our house to play. It never seemed to put an end to the exciting adventures we had there. We traveled by bicycle on the dirt roads that ran through the forest. We got up, went out of the fort and hid behind the many rock formations that are scattered in the forest.

One day some men and equipment appeared in the woods. People began, a large hole that we should recognize gradually to dig the cellar of a house. We went to the site each dayafter the men had finished, the progress they had made to see that day. The work dragged on for many days. and the hole bigger and bigger.

One day, the men grabbed their gear and left. We watched and waited until they return. They did not. After about a week, our curiosity has the best of us, and we slowly approached the place where the men had dug to get a closer look at what happened. We played in and around the hole for the next few weeks, until we became bored andin another part of the forest. Although we asked ourselves, what will become of the plans to build the house, we never anyone in this place again.

I have no idea why the house was never built. I have often wondered over the years, why would someone start such a project and that is not completed. Anyway, there has always served as a role model for me that everything I do I get, bar the cost before I begin. These costs may include money, time, energy or otherresources. Sometimes the costs are simple obstacles that we can't overcome no matter what we do. I would love to get my private airplane pilot's license, but I have a visual impairment that would keep me from ever passing that portion of the examination. At other times, the cost may simply require an ability we do not possess. My wife is a Certified Public Accountant. While I have gained a true appreciation for what she does, I just do not have the ability with numbers to even consider pursuing this or a similar field of study.

A cost-effective, we decide is too large, could be something that we are simply not willing to invest time, money and effort in completing to be included. At least twice in my life I seriously considered pursuing a Ph D. In any case, I had the opportunity and enough interest to start the process. In each case, and for various reasons, I decided that if time and energy and money in my life more of what I want to create by investing in themother activities. I'm over simplifying what was in each case, a deliberate process involved, but the principle remains the same. Counting the cost of going to understand what I really want to achieve and then determine what am I willing to do that get me most actually, when I want to be.

It sounds so simple and so obvious. But it is amazing how often we do exactly the opposite. We get caught up in a dynamic presentation of an exciting business opportunity andWe think of all the things that we could with the astonishing sums of money we are told that others do in this fantastic, once in the life business, which we have presented here. What we want to do with the money? We are interested in what we do if we are to pursue this business opportunity? Do we have the commitment and motivation for what we have to learn to learn successfully in this business opportunity? Do we believe what we can do, which is held to be sosuccessful? These are some of the fundamental questions we must ask ourselves if we count the cost of an endeavor or business opportunity that we are considering.

No one can know exactly what happens when we begin a new project. This makes a deliberate, systematic process of constant costs are even more important. What did the people who had bought the land and dug the hole, hoping near my parents' house, with what they began to achieve? If they were to build a family home, a retirementHome, a holiday home? Did they underestimate the difficulty of digging in an area filled with stones, like the woods near my home? If something unexpected happens in their lives that suddenly the money they had earmarked for this project and required them to use it elsewhere? Was there a death in the family? Was there a divorce? Did they just lose interest or motivation that I allowed them to this project that they had begun would end?

What do you expectto achieve, how you look at a business opportunity? What do you know want or need in your life that you do not already? Do you have a hobby or other interest that you believe to translate successfully into a profitable business? Do you have special knowledge or skills that you can see how marketable and profitable? What skills do you have or are willing to acquire, which will give you the possibility of success in this new project?

All of this is to discourageFrom the founding of a company. It's an incredibly satisfying and rewarding experience. If you do not count the cost, there may be a disaster that your time is your energy and your money and you can consume frustrated, discouraged and in debt.

Those who start successful new businesses, the critical self-examination. Knowing what you want to achieve must come before you and examine your skills and your interests. This will logically lead to situations where an understanding of what youknow or are willing to learn. This follows logically and naturally into a realization of what you are ready to contribute to that success you want and invest to achieve the realization of your dreams.

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