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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Start-Up Partners - Can You Work With Someone Close to You?

Starting a business with a spouse or good friend can be very beneficial, as long as some basic questions will be worked out before. Know your business well means there should be less time with the hammer down who does what, and each of you are already familiar with the other quirks and habits take. It should be easier to provide mutual moral support, (especially in the dark days of the start and there are some). You will be aware from the respective strengths and weaknesses,in an excellent position to each other, and the business on the right track. On the flip side, a partnership with someone you are close to pressure on the relationship, especially if you are not at work, both personal and practical ground rules for the extension of your personal relationship to a successful partnership.

The practical questions are pretty easy to handle, but very important, especially if you live with your partner. First, both parties must agree onset work and personal schedules, with time to focus on the various aspects of your life made up of blocks. Starting a business is not a hobby, it's a job, and should be treated as such. Do if it is possible to create separate work areas, so to consider. Each has its own style of organization and each partner is likely to be more productive if their own work area. Network computer, if possible, and consider the wireless internet access and printer technology, allowing timeis not lost switching to strings.

Before starting the actual start of work, responsibilities should be divvied up by skill and interest, and methods for dealing with major decisions should be taken collectively to be determined. You and your partner will have disagreements, and "ground rules" for resolving conflicts should be hammered, while you get. Schedule daily check-in meetings, perhaps with a cup of coffee from the Home Office to check each other's progress and bounceIdeas off one another. Away from the desk, even for a short period of time, and a rejuvenation of the greatest joys of working with someone who knows you, is their ability to help, you will see a different side of things.

On the personal side, working with a spouse or close friend requires mutual respect, trust and the ability to communicate in order to keep the relationship on the right track in building a business together. Respect is not always so for the other personright. Rather, it follows recognize respect each other's strengths and weaknesses complement each other and look at your partner, not exploit them. This means do not control any of the weaker areas as weapons or to manipulate, but moving from the existing strengths in order to fill any gaps. Acknowledge areas in which your partner is more qualified and have appreciated the opportunity to use these skills to your balance. Choose not compete internally on business topics, but a team of up toOutside competition in the market. Do not allow any control over problems or struggles for the common goal of building a successful business to overshadow.

Trust is your partner in business and private arenas is a must. Trust issues can destroy a company before it is even above the ground. In sorting out the responsibility of the company, each partner should be completely comfortable with decisions about the complete control of an area from there with a partner. If not, a "checks and balancesSystem should be put into effect, that both partners are satisfied. It is important that neither partner take offense, others must be involved in every aspect, but it is also important that both parties are able to get some control and confidence of partners in order to have their tasks under control. Every entrepreneur must recognize that different work styles can be just as effective, and this understanding is particularly important when the business partners. Practice at the level of confidencehow the work is done is really great training for delegation skills that will meet both partners' business needs grow.

In addition to mutual respect and trust, business partners, who have kept a close personal relationship has excellent communication skills, both to the relations in a good state of repair. The best partnerships, together with a good sense of humor. A good laugh can relieve stress ... and there is plenty of stress to go around with a start. It does not matter whetherTheir humor is silly or obscure, as long as both partners with laughter can ease the burden on. Effective partnerships often humor to help work through disagreements, so good. Conflict will happen, arguments will arise, but the ability to laugh at themselves, each other, and the dilemma you are in solving the inevitable questions will be much easier.

Successful partnerships require also an open communication about problems, expectations and their visions for the future of the company. Thereare many important decisions, as well as hundreds of small decisions that can be done even before a business idea off the ground. Partners in business and in life, must be able to articulate their positions more clearly and be willing to listen, and understand the other side. There are times you just have to agree to disagree ... These are the times in which the clear division of responsibility is critical. Someone needs to be able to make a final verdict, so that even if you have any concerns at aDecision does not fall under your responsibility, it is important to respect and for the final decision of the partner.

However, the largest hash should be joint decisions. "Big" decisions will vary according to your business, but you know when they occur. I hope that a common vision for the future of the company, you and your partner as the agreement on the best course of action should be based on this vision. It is also important that you both haverealistic expectations for your company. Before the planning phase, a heart-to-get heart began about the possible and probable results of your efforts is worth your time. If a partner ideas explode slow, methodical growth over a period of years, while looking the other in the market, the conflicting perspectives lead to problems if not treated previously.

Working through a startup with a close partner is a remarkable experience, and you can really improve yourpersonal relationship. But without creating a solid foundation and principles may be the pressure to develop a business idea too destructive. In fact, all important questions before you go to work and you and your partner will find that two heads in the economy really better than one.

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