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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Change Your Thinking to Become an Entrepreneur

In general, the first thing they ask us () for our name is "what you do?" So we have to answer to our title or job description, but that really describe us? We are much more than what we are doing during working hours, as we are much more than the name, we have received. Our life is the sum of our experiences, and each of these experiences has given us a story about who we think we are. Surely you have heard that people from their perceptions of living or the perception is reality. OurPerception ... Our history is what we live through.

Where we run into problems if we allow these stories to a part of our identity. I have many people who say they can not write, or they hate writing. I think that would be somewhere in the person of the past, they were to feel that her letter was not good enough. So they took the story than reality. The same goes for people who do have said that they are stupid or ugly or not good enough to be successful.

Inworkplace, if we are defined by a job title, salary or a class, it becomes part of our identity. The people we associate with the economic class we belong to, the area in which we live, the car we drive ... everything is what it means to be bound by the kind of person.

When I decided to leave the corporate world and on my own, I did not think about how this change would affect me. However, left-Information Technology like losing a part of me. Although Iunfortunate in this profession, I had used in it for over 10 years and in this community. I knew the language, culture, and I had paid my fees in time.

Who I was, when I hear about this world out there? I would be a stranger. I would have to start over again in a new location. My confidence and accumulated knowledge would mean nothing. As I mentioned earlier, there is a certain comfort to know what to expect - even if you hate your situation. The prospect of new start from zerocan be very frightening.

Although I read many books set up as a company, I've never read anything to say, let go, as my day job. Nobody talks about how to let go emotionally. If you decide to pursue your own business (whether on the side or full time) you start on a journey of discovery. They are used to remove layer after layer of the stories and beliefs that you held for years.

When I am asked about coaching, I say that no matter what to call it - career,Living, Transitional Law of Attraction, etc. - it all depends on the personal stuff, sooner or later. Sooner or later we need on the part of the address which we ourselves are oppressed, so that we may live according to our stories.

If it is discovered, it is impossible for us to do in order to be what we are not. That's when the work begins. If you through this experience enables us to discover who we really are.

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